Where is the best place to buy vertical blinds in Cannington?

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1 Answer

Hi KFC4Me, great name by the way :)

I bought my vertical type blinds from Kresta in Cannington. 1451 Albany Hwy, Cannington WA 6107.

They were quite good in terms of price, and have had them about a year now and they are still working really great, sliding properly and shutting out heat/light.

We refer a lot of business to them through our property management department (Ray White Cannington) and we have had a good business relationship with them for a few years.

Also, if you are looking for any flooring - carpets, timber laminate, vinyl plank flooring - go to see Peter Park at Park Flooring Xtra - Unit 8, 1451 - 1457 Albany Highway
Cannington 6107

He just fitted out my place in St James with some Vinyl Plank flooring and it looks amazing!

The opinions expressed here are those of the individual and not those of Homely.com.au.

Rentals in Cannington, WA 6107