Melbourne or Brisbane?

What do people think is the better place to live in, and what would be the pros and cons of each city?
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2 Answers

I live in Melbourne and hate the weather here. The nice beaches are at least a 1 hour drive away :( I'm looking at relocating to QLD.

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Hi Kyles2
Definitely Melbourne for me!
It's cheaper, has some excellent high quality restaurants (Both Jamie Oliver and Gordon Ramsay chose to open their Australian restaurants in Melbourne) as well as a wide range of bars.
Sport! If you love AFL Melbourne is the place to be!
The beaches are nice but if you prefer hot weather all year round Brisbane wins hands down!
I live in Melbourne but love to holiday in Brisbane! Its an awesome place to relax and enjoy some warm weather, the people are lovely but I just don't find it entertaining enough to want to call it home..

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