Is Joondalup Health Campus a comprehensive and reputable hospital?

I've heard terrible reports about the Joondalup Hospital from several different families, but in a recent visit to the emergency room with my partner, I found their staff and service exceptional. Where does this bad reputation come from and does anyone have a personal experience they could share? My partner and I are considering moving to Joondalup to start our family and want a good Hospital at hand..
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1 Answer

There is no reason to think Joondalup Hospital would be any better or worse than others. Whenever anyone from our family has gone there we have been happy. There are also private and public areas and services, like the medical testing. Hospital staff are human and so are patients. Sometimes patients can be difficult or not understand what the issues are and sometimes it is the staff at fault. If you are seeking a private maternity hospital then Glengarry Hospital is not too far away.

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