iPhone apps for New Yorkers

If you New Yorkers don't have an iPhone, you are going to wish you did...

1. SitorSquat (free)- an app that locates the nearest the nearest public restroom
2. Coovents (free)- locates the nearest happy hours, though apparently it's not the most high tech-looking app
3. Kindle for iPhone (free)- no, seriously! all the perks of having a Kindle without actually having to buy one
4. Type N Walk ($0.99)- an app that uses the iPhone's camera to stream a video feed, so that the sidewalk in front of you becomes the background behind the message you are typing. For all those who can't stop themselves from texting and crossing the street
5. WiFi Directory ($1.99)- informs you of the nearest WiFi hot spots, and whether they are free to use or not!
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Hmm. Gotta get an iPhone, I guess.

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I don't know how I ever got along without one. And I was always one of the haters, too.

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@BroadwayBK you succumbed!!! I think menupages also has a free app for the iphone as does Bergdorf Goodman but I dont know if is free..

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@Everybody: He, he, he. :) I'm not an iPhone user and don't go into the hype. The only reason I want a cell phone for is to make and receive calls, and check my email. That's it.

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@uptowngirl I am always using the MenuPages app, and Yelp too. I've found a lot of interesting places via the Yelp app that I wouldn't have known about otherwise.

@everyone The best thing about having an iPhone in the city is the GPS service - you can find whatever you want, where ever you are without having to look too hard.

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@BroadwayBK Is the Yelp app free too? somehow I don't think I will be able to use the iPhone all that touch stuff.. I am a klutz can't even use a track ball on certain cellphones.. oof ..

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I just have a plain phone - no apps, no camera, no smart-wickets. Perhaps it is time to upgrade...

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@BroadwayBK: I just got a new Nokia phone and it has a GPS service with it, and it is not an iPhone. This is why I said, who needs an iPhone. It is just hype to attract the younger generation.

@Ajadedidealist: If all you need is email services and to call your friends and family, why bother with an upgrade. As long as it works, why replace it. I had to replace mine because it just stopped receiving calls.

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@hhusted My old phone had a GPS service, but it wasn't nearly as good as that of the iPhone. I've been through a lot of phones, and I'm not sure how I ever did without this one. Guess I've given in to the hype.

@ajadedidealist Perhaps? I love having a bunch of technology at my fingertips, no matter how impractical it actually is...

@uptowngirl Yes, it's free. And I had some initial problems with the touch stuff, too, which was actually the reason why it took me so long to actually decide to buy one.

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Brilliant list BroadwayBK - very helpful for next time in in NYC.


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@BroadwayBK: I'm actually very practical. I do not give in to any hype at all, unless it involves something I am truly passionate about. Otherwise, I ignore it, and just go with what is simple and straightforward.

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@BroadwayBK more than the Iphone it is the Blackberry that my friends and family in Asia want me to get. Blackberry plans are far more reasonable in Asia where everyone seems to have one for they use the free BBM i.e. Blackberry Messenger to communicate. Will look in into when I get to HK, did some research and it seems China Mobile which is the world's largest cell phone provider has plans for HK$68 a month which is less than US $10 so really will not have any reason not to.

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@hhusted - I don't even have email on my phone. Clearly I'm behind the times. All it does is call, text and play sudoko.

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@uptowngirl I considered a BlackBerry for a long time - I've been pretty anit-iPhone for no apparent reason. And how fabulous to only pay $68 a month!

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Just adding - kindle on ipod sounds unpleasant. I love my kindle because of the ergonomics, the screen size, and the lack of LCD - I imagine reading on a bright, small ipod screen would hurt my eyes

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@ajadedidealist have you seen the new add for the kindle? its got quite a catchy tune and amazon has lately gone on to sell it as an exclusive MP3. Have a look-http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nYUVpjrzvXc

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Ah, Kindle. The new wave of e-book reading online. I also heard that you can do more than just read e-books with kindles. Is that right?

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@hhusted - there's a beta internet browsing feature, incl. wikipedia, and text-to-speech and mp3s, but they're slow, basic, and preliminary. The real draw of the kindle is just plain reading.

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@Ajadedidealist: Thanks for letting me know. Much appreciated.

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@ajadedidealist You can dim the screen on the iPhone. And I actually love using Kindle on iPhone (there's also a really cool app called 3D Bookshelf that gives you access to a number of classics) when I'm on the train and not carrying a handbag big enough to fit a book.

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It seems companies are trying to take advantage of new technology to make our lives better. In many cases it works, but in many cases it can be a nightmare.

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So my friend programmed the entire set of light cues for a theater performance on his iPhone. He had that thing strapped to his wrist and basically acted as his own lighting technician while performing. amazing what you can do with them things.

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@Uraiumfish I know, right? I will never be that talented with mine... I still haven't even figured out how to decline a call.

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@BroadwayBK in another post you mentioned you were looking for flights? Perhaps you want to download the Kayay app? I read its free and I always use it to look for air fares to anywhere.

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@uraniumfish - that's so, SO cool! My boyfriend's really into theatre tech - I'll let him know about that! Although I think he think anything more modern than pen and paper is newfangled witchcraft...

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@ajadeidealist Which it actually is...

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