Halloween in NYC

Do you guys have any plans? What do you usually do? Are there any awesome Halloween things to do outside of donning a costume and heading to the bar scene?
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I know of two awesome things:

Steampunk Haunted House:

and the Halloween Party Benefit for NTUSA (National Theater of the United States of America) - sounds like a big name, but hey're a small, rowdy theater group:


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@Uraniumfish the Steampunk Haunted House sounds fantastic! Are you going?

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@Everyone do you keep bags of candy ready for the kids who come around trick or treating? at our building you have a choice to opt in or out. If you do opt in you will be approached if not you will be left alone wonder what happens elsewhere.

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@uptowngirl Yeah, I'm planning to go.

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We're the only floor zoned as residential in the building so I doubt anyone will come by for Halloween. Actually, I kind of hate Halloween and love the fact that in Chinatown this event is pretty much universally ignored.

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I'm still at home recovering from surgery I had last Monday. I'll be home recuperating.

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How awesome! A steampunk haunted house sounds like a truly great invention - I'm all for it! I used to love trick or treating as a kid - I wish I could host trick or treaters in much the same way!

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@Everyone if anyone wants to dress up as Lady Gaga for Halloween, the Old Homestead in the Meatpacking district has come up with its own version of her meat dress for Halloween which is priced at a cool 100,000.


It looks absolutely gross wonder if anyone will fall for the gimmick.

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I might have my own Halloween party. It'll be just my girlfriend, our two cats, and me. We did it a couple of years ago. We might do it again. I'll ask.

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@Uraniumfish funny you say that in Chinatown Halloween is ignored while here in China Halloween products are on sale everywhere and shops and establishments have been decorated for Halloween too. I am quite surprised myself didnt think it had much relevance in this part of the world.

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@uptowngirl I'm surprised too. Back in Germany they would talk with distaste about Halloween products suddenly being on the market because so obviously a custom imported from the US in recent years, and adults were dismayed by their children's interest in the practices of those "dumb" Americans...

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@uptowngirl UGH. That meat dress this is repulsive on so many levels.

@Uraniumfish I'm not a big fan of Halloween, either. I especially hate the slutty varieties of Halloween costumes, though I don't think that trend is as bad here as it is in many other places in the country. The steampunk thing does sound cool, though.

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@BroadwayBk Got to seriously wonder about the people at the Old Homestead though, did they really think someone would spring $100000 for their meat dress and then go home and cook and eat the stuff! they must be starkers!

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@uptowngirl I wonder if anyone did...? We should call and see if it's still for sale.

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I love Halloween! I agree the slutty bunnies, mice, and lions need to go; but, there are some great costumes out there. I always do a ghosts of the west village tour and I love being able to see a nun making out with a hotdog at the end of the night. Some people get really elaborate with their costumes (my friend was the tinman and welded his own metal suit) and it's so fun to see!

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@BroadwayBK Do you think they would admit that it didnt sell?

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@JenMac That's why I love the Village Halloween Parade its so mad and fun!!!

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When I used to live in a large-ish apartment building, we used to trick or treat within the building! It was great! Even in a so-called "anonymous" city like New York, our building had a great neighborhood feel. Certainly something I miss asa grown-up.

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@everyone Halloween was a big event here in HK, our complex for one was decorated with ghouls, ghosts, witches and what not. I had initially opted out of the trick or treating but when the kids came around( a whole bunch of American kids) I didn't want to disappoint them and handed out my Lindt Lindors 60% mind you.. hope they enjoyed them! later on we went out to the party district of Lan Kwai Fong which was an absolute riot with everyone in costume.. good fun.

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