Shooting at a place I frequent...

Recently there was a shooting - 6 shots were fired at close range - at the car wash I always go to in Bushwick. Here's the article:

I like how the comments all berate the shooters for not being able to kill someone properly. Um. As if that weren't a good thing that they are fools.

Anyway, what do you guys think? If this occurred at your local car wash/ oil change place, would you continue to go there?

The place is only about five blocks from my apartment, which makes this occurrence all the more awesome...
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I dunno, on the one hand, maybe it's the lightening striking twice theory? On the other, do those people live around there and make the carwash their meet and cap people locale? I would probably make myself scarce just to be safe.

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More power to you that you're okay living in Bushwick, BroadwayBK. I know you've posted frequently about how your neighborhood isn't so bad, but if I were your momma, I woudl be shaking my head about now...

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That's crazy! Do you find Bushwick dangerous, @BroadwayBK? I always thought of it as "hipster-y" but my knowledge of Brooklyn is sadly incomplete....

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I can't even imagine anything like that going down near where I live, and it's not like our neighborhoods are all that far apart... Anyway, that's pretty scary and I would definitely think twice about going back, but then again JenMac may be right with the whole lightning striking twice theory...

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@BroadwayBK Wow, aren't you at all worried about safety?

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@BroadwayBK be safe is all I can say but aren't you planning to move out of the neighborhood sometime soon? If someone can calmly go ahead and plant a powerful bomb in the midst of busy Times Square then anything can happen any where...sobering thoughts for sure..

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It's true. I tend to view midtown as more dangerous than Bushwick. Plus, Bushwick is mostly hipsters now and in the next two years, that's all it'll be.

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Call me a big, whiny coward, but I'd like to be on the other side of town relative to any shots getting fired anywhere, thank you very much...

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@Uraniumfish small..whiny coward :).. havent you often described yourself as small and slight??

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@Uraniumfish: I actually agree with you. I would not go back to a place where someone got shot. You never know when that person might return for another round.

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@DBlack I usually worry about safety - I mean, I watch my back. I especially take precautions at night, but apparently crazy things can happen during daylight hours as well.

@everyone I guess I should find a new place that will fix my headlights for free? I mean, anything CAN happen anywhere for sure, but it's always disturbing when it happens in your own neighborhood, blocks from where you live, at a place where you often go. And, technically, I'm sure that a shooting has happened at least once in everyone's neighborhood, right? I am creeped out, though - I can't help but be.

Yes, this area has plenty of poor artist/hipster types, but they are not the majority by any means....

@JenMac I'm not so sure about the complete gentrification of Bushwick - Bushwick Houses are some of the area's massive housing projects, and even if they are not so far from the Williamsburg border it doesn't seem like they are going anywhere anytime soon.

@uptowngirl Yes, I need to move! Still looking for a subletter? Ha.

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@uptowngirl Ahahah! Yeah, I guess I am rather small coward...

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But if you take that attitude, @hhusted, shouldn't you avoid even Times Square? There are random, if very rare, acts of violence in tons of "safe" places!

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@Ajadedidealist: That's why I try not go to Times Square. I leave that area to the tourist. I used to go there, but try to avoid it as much as possible.

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On a random, unrelated note: does anyone know of any event that happened this weekend in Crown Heights? Like a studio visit day or something? All of a sudden, the subway station and the nearby streets seemed to be crawling with hipsters, and this is definitely NOT a hipster region. They were at the grocery store, buying juice packs or whatever. They definitely stood out.

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@dblack: perhaps there were a bunch of open houses for all the condos at the waterfront that day and the hipsters had to evacuate so that they didn't catch normalcy from anyone coming in?

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Wow, sounds crazy! Perhaps Crown Heights has become the new trendy/"in" place to be. Hey, it could happen...

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@ajadedidealist Nah, no way. We're way far from that out here. Especially since the financial meltdown, people have stopped buying property out here in the optimistic (or perhaps delusional) hope that the neighborhood is really "up and coming." That "up and coming" moniker right now seems like a bad joke. Trust me, the hipsters are a long way off from this area...under normal circumstances...

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I was on the other side of Prospect Park last weekend and I noticed that a lot of hipster types were wandering around... I think now that it is summer people just want to enjoy the parks?

Also, I know that Crown Heights rents are really attractive to artistic types whose daddies aren't footing their bills. Before Williamsburg became the commercial mecca it is now it was home to a bunch of poor artist kids living in converted warehouses. And even though it is pretty far from the city, I think I'd rather live in Crown Heights/Lefferts Garden area than in Bushwick.

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I would without a doubt find a new place to get your car washed...It would be worth spending more time getting it done and returning home unharmed.

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@BroadwayBK I agree with LeoG ..also my sublet is being handled by a third party now though I did come across an ad on rechirp for what is described as a gorgeous rental in Yorkville...perhaps you would like to check it out..

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@uptowngirl Thanks. I'm currently considering a place in Greenpoint. I really like it up there and I think I may have found a really awesome place... well, the room I would be living in is huge and there is also a terrace. Just no living room, which I am still on the fence about.

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I'm checking listings lately and finding a lot of 2 bedrooms I can actually afford. It didn't used to be so good a few years ago. Wow.

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Oh, and I almost went to that car wash today. I figured... I don't know what I figured. That I was too lazy to travel elsewhere? Oh, and lightning and whatnot...

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As long as you go during the day I'm sure it'll be fine!

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I guess these things are freaky right after they first occur, but I think after a while people tend to forget about them and continue life as normal.

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@NeverSleeps Well. I don't know. It seems like it's been a really long time since I washed my car, and I used to go religiously every week....

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