Sydney Suburbs - Family oriented, top public schools, organized sports nearby?

My husband is exploring an oppty in Sydney AUS. We currently live in the San Francisco Bay Area. We are looking for good public schools (3 kids: 6, 5, 3 y.o.), youth club soccer/football, swim team and nice community feel, moderate price range to upper moderate.

1. Top Schools - public if possible (if not, private cost?)
2. Youth club football (soccer) - cost?
3. Youth Swim Team - cost?
4. Manageable commute to CBD (45 minutes or no more than an hour).
5. Community feel
6. Access to nature - beach preferred, hiking trails
7. Yard for playing football, catch, or park nearby
8. Moderate pricing - ie. $750K USD

What is housing cost for 3 bedroom, 2 bath in those suburbs?
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