Charlie Cause

Charlie Cause

1 Review0 Questions0 Answers


6th February 2023

"dirty, unsafe"

i am genuinely upset that this review is overwhelmingly negative but have to be honest. i lived in footscray for a one year lease and can safely say it has been the most dirty and unsafe area ive lived in. ive been followed home and harrassed multiple times-disproportionally to other suburbs ive lived in. dont listen to the young Savers-going hipsters complaining about how its becoming ‘gentrified’ and prepare for bus replacements making you late to work at least every second week. if you like the location, go for it’s cleaner sisters; seddon or yarraville. esp if ur a woman-unsafe and have a bad feeling walking alone at night. the shopping district is full of homelessness and junkies and generally reeks. your phone data will cut in and out in most places. except for footscray park on a main rd greenery is limited. very industrial and frustrating to drive in-especially footscray rd as it had been under construction and intermittently closed for as longn as ive been here. mama chens is great . supports live local music and accessible. a few quirky bars. footscray market is a plus but dodgy area-footscray is not for me and doesnt appear family friendly, good lovation near CBD tho

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