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"You get what you pay for"

Most importantly, I'm not an agent & I'm not trying to sell a house & I run a business in town & if anything these comments will hurt my business not help it, so my word counts. Kempsey has a large population of wonderful older people trying to stay in their homes as long as possible. When this generation has gone, I fear the already troubled demographic will deteriorate. It is a low socio economic town where the noisy strong alpha male types prey upon the peaceful people and eventually drive them from town. The baby bonus has produced a large population of children born into welfare dependent households in gladiator academy areas. These children are now approaching an age where they can steal, destroy & terrorise at will without retribution from the law whose hands are tied. Unregistered trail bikes and cars rev up & down quiet streets with baffles removed from exhausts. Unregistered dogs pick through garbage on street curbs and crime goes unreported because people fear losing their insurance. Yes there are good days & some quiet areas still but bit by bit the social fabric crumbles. If you are a noisy thoughtless alpha male who likes excessively loud trail bikes, music, dogs that bark all night, noisy hot cars with thumping stereos & tyres screaming down the streets and little culture, you'll love it here. If you are a quiet peaceful thoughtful person who likes the arts, culture and a 'red neck' free environment, the council's struggles to keep on top of by-laws, can make it very difficult for you to be as happy as you could be if you bought closer to the beach an hour north or south plus you'll save yourself the long drive to specialist dental & medical care just when you really need it. If the purpose of life is happiness & peace I feel your odds are better elsewhere. PS. Be careful on some streets for rock throwing. My car has been stoned several times.


What a biased and uninformed opinion. I have travelled the globe and lived in many parts of Australia and don't reckon you will get much better than Kempsey. Its a small place and the crime does get noticed but it's no worse than any where else, had a choice to live in both Coffs and Port and tell you Kempsey has everything to offer and chose it hands down, Crystal, maybe you should find somewhere else to live and you might realise as i figure you must be pretty naive


Very naive opinion


I have been reading a lot of comments on Kempsey and I must say that I live at Dondingalong and drive down Middleton street several times a day and have never had any thing happen yes its untidy and there is some rubbish in the street and the dogs and kids roam the street but its not nearly as bad as what has been commented on, I lived in Port Macquarie for 10 years and that place is all about aesthetic appeal but the trouble in Port is just as bad if not worse than Kempsey its just prettier and more money spent on it. We left Port Macquarie and we lived 2 streets from the beach we sold up and moved to Dondingalong the best move we ever made the people are warm and welcoming we made more friends in a few weeks than we did in 10years in Port I am well travelled and have lived in many different towns from South of NSW to Redcliffe in QLD I now live in paradise and will never leave and I want to run for council one day because Kempsey has heaps of potential to be a spectacular town the bypass has now opened and the town is so much quieter come have a look and experience it for your self Yes we have problems but we address those problems and not sweep them under the carpet like other towns such as Port Macquarie. There is heaps of business opportunity we are a town that needs some serious money injected into it and the developers could have a field day traditionally bypassed towns do really well and boom . Please dont listen to the obviously jaded people who have not experience other areas and dont listen to gossip Kempsey is a great town we own and operate a business here as well as I work at one of the local hospitals it is a great town who needs some more great people who can fall in love with it.


I am local, not for much longer. Thank God!!!! Crystals opinion is not naïve at all!! I have owned a business here also. There are some other valid comments previously also. Yes it is close to beautiful areas. The Bypass going though has not been a blessing to the place. Businesses are closing down. Coles and Woolworths are buying out the small business owners and the vitality is lacking. Yes there probably are worse places without doubt, but there are also better places! The friendly country feel is diminishing with the ongoing crime and the ever present low income slog. Hostility and aggression is becoming the norm. Except for the guy who preaches outside Woolworths. I have witnessed break and enters way too many times. A man drove his car so fast down the street he lost control and just missed my neighbours house.That's not even half of the things I've heard. Also beware if your moving to Crescent Head as break and enters happen there too. And if you don't drink alcohol, you wont be likely to have any friends. But if you have to come here, get a good dog that barks. Thieves seem to bypass the dogs if they don't bait them first. Also if you fancy a pleasant walk with your dog forget it. Every dog in the neighbourhood will yell that your in the street and your own dog is likely to go absolutely nuts as a result. I hope that things improve for Kempsey but as with Grafton, Taree and some other places, local business just cant compete with Coles and Woolworths. I don't hold much hope for the place and I wish it could be different but that's just the way it's going.


What can you tell me about South west rocks please


Kempsey is a long gone, and it is getting worse. Avoid at all costs

The opinions expressed within this review are those of the individual and not those of Homely.com.au.