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Briarcliff Manor

"A Hidden Gem"

Briarcliff is a hidden gem as a small village surrounded by larger towns and cities. The "downtown" is well maintained with some great food and shopping where you'll soon become known as a regular customer. But if you want large chain stores instead of family owned & run, you can travel to nearby communities of Ossining, Millwood, Croton, Chappaqua, Pleasantville, Thornwood, Hawthorne, and Tarrytown in 10 minutes or less. As a Briarcliff resident you get the advantage of small, friendly neighborhoods and strong local "small-town" pride with easy access to shopping & commercial centers just outside the village.

Great for

  • Excellent School System
  • Great Pool
  • Some really nice restaurants

Who lives here?

  • Trendy & Stylish
The opinions expressed within this review are those of the individual and not those of
