
1 Review0 Questions0 Answers



""Depressing/Expensive?" Try Living in Sydney"

To be fair to the writer of a particular review, hubby and I are retired and no longer need to seek work or ferry children around. Having said that, we still live in Sydney and have been travelling to various country towns to find our escape. Cowra wins hands down! Friendly, helpful people; beautiful countryside surrounds and of course the Japanese Gardens. Houses are a third of the cost of our current home and whilst some grocery items may seem pricier than Sydney, some are actually cheaper; viz smallgoods purchased in Cowra last Friday cost 15% more in our current Woolworths this morning.
We found eating out at both the RSL and the Bowling Club inexpensive and pleasant.
The shopping areas are more than adequate; and whilst there are no giant retailers such as DJ's and Myer - I believe I can live without them!
Craft is an important part of my life and there is a thriving arts and craft community here. I was made most welcome when I made enquiries about integrating.
So, as far as we are both concerned, the sooner we find a suitable residence to buy here the better!


I agree! Good, fair information. thanks!

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