

1 Review0 Questions0 Answers


Toowoomba City

"Unless you're a christian or play sport there are better places to live."

I've lived in Toowoomba for almost two years now. Previously I've lived in the Blue Mts (NSW), Sydney, Brissy for a few years, Sunshine coast, Alice Springs, Overseas.

Toowoomba could be the most boring place I have ever lived.

Let me be clear, it's not all bad.

Everything is quite central. There are lots of supermarkets, a small little uni that is more like a Tafe, lots of doctors/pathology places etc. Heaps of churches and lots of fields where people play sport, if that's your thing.

You can do most things you need without having to travel for a long time. So in some ways life is easier than living in a capital city/regional area. Honestly, that's probably the best thing about Toowoomba.

Housing is cheap relative to the capital cities. But the place is being subdivided into units, and it seems that there aren't many houses left with any character (I know this is happening across Australia).

Traffic is absolutely intense in peak hours. Surprisingly so for a regional city.

The weather is something of a mixed bag. Winters are chilly, summers are hot. There is almost always a breeze blowing.

Queens park is lovely, and probably the nicest spot here.

Sadly, the place is very conservative. I didn't realize how much, or I probably never would have come here. People are generally very straight, and there is absolutely zero culture (don't let anyone fool you, there is absolutely nothing).

Perhaps the worst thing is that people aren't very friendly. Its not that they are rude, but they simply aren't interested in conversation beyond a trivial natter about the weather or sport. It seems to me that most people here already have their social networks and simply aren't interested in meeting new people.

Don't expect to come here and meet worldly people or folk who can engage in any kind of intellectual conversation.

Interestingly, the few people I have made friends with are also from other places (interstate/overseas). They've also expressed how difficult it has been to make friends in Toowoomba. So it seems I'm not alone in my sentiments.

It really seems that people here are fulfilled by going to church a couple of times a week, playing sport and shopping feverishly in the local shopping centres.

I have never got any sense of community at all during my time here. The city itself generally lacks life. There are often alot of cars on the main street, but not many people or energy. There is no vibe, no spark and the place feels stagnant.

There is zip, nada, nothing for someone a little outside the norm to do. Very little in the way of culture, music, entertainment.

If this place had a bit more culture, it might be kinda cool. But it has the enduring remnants of a 1950's Australia mentality that it doesn't seem to want to shake off.

Thankfully, there is a bit of ethnic diversity here, especially around the uni. So hopefully Toowoomba will grow and change in future years.

Who lives here?

  • Families with kids
  • Retirees

Hum interesting comment re Religion as the Buddhist are about to build a major training centre. Must be all the peace and quite up here on the range. Mind you toowoomba might just be about to be shaken from its roots with the Wagner family pushing to build a casino. Gee cant wait for that (not)


Agree with all you said. Have lived here for almost 14 years after living in other parts of Victoria as well as overseas.


My family and I have been in Toowoomba for 6 months from Auckland NZ. I think you have nailed it in your review. I lol with your summation of the locals only being interested in small talk as they already have their own network. My partner was lucky enough to be a Russian speaker so they all net work on facebook and meet up so shes made lots of friends.
Positives are its a pretty city, easy to get around, nice shopping mall. Some lovely homes at reasonable prices.

The opinions expressed within this review are those of the individual and not those of