What are the best schools in this area?

We are looking at moving to Brisbane (from NZ) and want to live as close to the water as possible, but need to make sure that the schools are good.
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2 Answers

Excellent school with really caring lecturers. Dedicated to student success. Welcoming parents and want them to be involved in events and activities. This school has been around a protracted time and is incredibly organized and they communicate a lot with their parents. By the way, anyone looking for Law Firms. https://www.lppglobal.com/ Visit here.

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Hi Debz, two fantastic private schools are Redlands College, details can be found here: http://www.redlands.qld.edu.au/ Also Ormiston College is local, details can be found here; http://www.ormiston.qld.edu.au/

There is also Wellington Point State High School is also local, details here; https://wellpoinshs.eq.edu.au/Pages/default.aspx

Hope this helps!

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Rentals in Wellington Point, QLD 4160