Best Fall/Winter Movies 2010/2011

Well, we had pretty good success with the summer movie thread. I doubt that there will be any "outdoor" showings for winter, but I just saw The Town (Ben Affleck directed and starred) and it was really good. I feel like it could be an Oscar contender. And here's the best part about it. I was furniture shopping in Emeryville on Tuesday night and went to see it afterward -- $5 on Tuesday nights to go to the movies!!

Any suggestions for any other movies?
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I have not been to a movie a that did not involve computer animated animals or robots since the Bush Administration but if I were give a day pass to go to the movies right now I would probably check out Woody's latest movie--"You Will Meet a Tall Stranger." I've been enjoying his movies lately in a way that I hadn't since the early 90's.

I like the romantic comedies that he's done lately--they have a nice sophistication to them, even if they are terribly predictable.

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Nice, @Tracypie. I was starting to feel silly writing forum posts for summer movies in October. I really enjoyed Paranormal Activity 2, although the reviews aren't that positive overall. Most seemed to think it was oversimplified, although I thought the simplicity is what made it as scary as it was.

I am really looking forward to seeing The Social Network. Apparently when it came out, Mark Zuckerberg rented buses, a movie theater, and took all of his employees to see it on opening day (I worked with Facebook yesterday and learned this firsthand from them). I guess that any boss that gives his employees a day off to go see a movie is still going to be a well-liked boss, no matter how the movie portrays him...

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@StephSF - I'm not into horror flicks so PA2 is out for me, but I did see The Social Network and it was fantastic. I really, really enjoyed it. And, I'm not going to throw stones here but they guy's reputation is a bit tarnished so all good deeds he does I just see as a publicity stunt right now (or really good PR).

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I think I mentioned this in the other thread, but my wife saw Social Network and she didn't think he really came off that badly. He kind of took someone's kernal of an idea and developed it, if I understood properly.

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The other one that looked kind of interesting to me was Nowhere Boy--its about John Lennon before he became famous. I usually don't like bio-flicks and I've never liked any of the Beatles fictional accounts, but for some reason that one looks kind of interesting to me.

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@NightOwInOrinda - yes, I saw that advertised a while ago. Is it out in a theater in the Bay Area or did it go straight to DVD? When does it come out. I saw another biopic about him and Yoko maybe last year (it was a rental) and it was pretty interesting. I find him fascinating. Such a shame.

As for Social Network - I think he still seems like a douche bag.

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I know that the John Lennon film is playing at the Landmark in Berkeley, so I am sure it must still be playing in the City--probably at one of the smaller houses that plays artsy type films.

As to Mark Zuckerburg--I think he may just be young (he seems a little naive to me). But I must be just old enough to not understand why you would want everyone to know your business. It feels little bit like opening up all the curtains at home and letting anyone peak in who would like to. But I know Gen Y thinks differently.

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Curtains? Gen Y hasn't even heard of such pieces of apparatus. What are they?

On a *slightly* more serious note, I know I need to see The Social Network to judge for myself, but the Facebook employees that I know are all still gung-ho for Zuck. Granted, the movie was developed based on interviews with the guys who sued him, so 360 objective views are out...

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The other movie that I would totally go see if I weren't currently a hostage of my kids is It's Kind of a Funny Story, with that Zack Galifynokis (sp). guy--I find him really funny and I'm a bit of a sucker for romantic comedies. Seems like a good "date movie" I suppose.

On the other hand, you would have to chain me to my theater seat to get me to watch that Saw Movie. What is up with these hyper violent dismemberment movies--I watched that Funny Games and The Strangers and the Last House on the Left when they were on cable--and they all just depressed the hell out of me. What is the fascination with that? There seem to be no shortage of those kinds of films (by the way do not watch Funny Games or the Strangers late at night unless you plan on staying up all night jumping at every creek of te house.)

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@Nightowl - Are you thinking of Due Date? Or is there another Zach Galifianakis movie out there? Either way, he is hilarious. That is the one that I want to see.

What are the cool kids' movies that are out these days?

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@StephSF: No, that is another Zach Galifianakis movie. The one I am thinking of he plays a physchiatrist or therapist at a loony bin and helps coach this teenage kid in his love life (and I assume for whatever brought him into the hospital). The pitch was probably something like "a date night Cockoo's Nest for Gen Y" I am guessing.

Due Date looks very funny too--I really like Robert Downey Jr. (Though I'm generally not a big fan of road movies.)

By "cool kids movie" I assume you mean cool movie for kids and not movie that cool kids would like (since I have no idea the answer to the second question). Toy Story 3 was the last one we went to. I would tell you about it except that when ever I get into a dark room where I can just sit I fall asleep in like 10 minutes flat.

That last one that managed to get to the end of was Where the Wild Things Are which I rather enjoyed but my kids only watched to humor me. The music in it was by that group that Flowergirl likes: the Yeah Yeah Yeah's singer.

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Oh, and the last one that we both liked (me and my kids) was Fantastic Mr. Fox--really great. George Clooney's voice work was nice too and the aesthetic was very Wes Anderson. The kids loved the weird look of it and slapstick sort of jokes.

Jason Schwartzman is perfect for those kinds of movies. I really loved Rushmore from like ten years ago. He is hilarious in that. (He's not a bad singer too--I heard something from his band, Coconut Records the other day and I rather liked it.) I didn't know this, but he is related to Francis Ford Coppola--his cousin is Nicholas Cage and the whole deal. But I digress.

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Haha yes - cool movies for kids indeed. I have no idea what they watch any more (although I did see Toy Story 3 on a plane a few weeks ago and really enjoyed it - so sad though!) I'll have to check
out that other Zach Galifianakis movie at some point. I saw a bunch of people waiting in line for Due Date a few weeks ago, although the line was for a sneak preview, which always raises red flags in my mind as to the overall quality.

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I definitely want to see Due Date b/c I am smitten with Robert Downey Jr. lately. He's just so quirky and charming these days. For kids - I saw Sherlock Holmes and it was cute. Now on rental I am sure. Okay for kids too. My friend took her kids and said it was fine.

I have a friend who looks exactly like Zach Galifianakis - so much so that 2 kids in an airport went up to him and asked him for his autograph. LOL.

LOVED the Fantastic Mr. Fox. too!

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My wife saw Due Date the other night with work friends and said that i was uneven--some really funny scenes but a lot of cliches. Kind of like Plains, Trains and Automobiles. An odd couple on a road trip with scenes where people fall asleep driving etc.

I'm not so crazy about after hearing her review. I can definitely wait for to come on Cable.

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As to movies kids like--my 11 year old couldn't get into Sherlock Holmes (though I really liked it--great cast though I never thought of Watson as being a Jude Law type). The actress was good too. It had too much plot for my 11 year old though--he needs far more explosions early on or else he loses interest.

He really liked Avatar (though he thought it was going to be the Last Airbender so he had to get over the initial disappointment). I personally can't stand James Cameron--especially when he has anything to do with the script. Titanic is, in my opinion obviously, one of the worst written Oscar winning scripts ever. Not even Kathy Bates could pull off those hooky lines.

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Wow, I can't believe you have a friend who looks THAT much like him! I have a friend who kind of looks like him too, but I think his actions have more to do with the resemblance than his appearance. That may or may not say something about my choice in friends.

I'll still have to go see Due Date, although your review is a little disappointing. Any movie that gets that much hype is set up for failure, in my opinion, but generally that doesn't stop me from seeing what I want to see.

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I think its better to go into a movie with low expectations anyway--it is much less likely to disappoint.

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Agreed. I'm seeing 127 Hours on Friday (with James Franco - the movie about the mountain climber who cut his arm off in order to save his own life) AND it is playing at the Kabuki, so that is a double whammy as far as film review and theater review all in one. I will be sure to update accordingly.

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@StephSF: I hear they are handing out barf bags at the door for that movie--Just kidding--Well sort of, anyway. I did see a news flash that people were becoming physically ill watching it.

James Franco is great though. Bravo has been replaying Freaks and Geeks--the short lived TV show where Franco, Seth Rogan, and Jason Siegal (sp?) all got their start (as I'm sure you know) and I really enjoyed it. Franco is much better in it than I remember.

Anyway, that movie sounds like it is right down your hiking trail. ;) Can't wait to hear your review.

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I thought it was great! Our protagonist is a little bit kooky to begin with, and he slowly loses it after spending four days in a Utah slot canyon, which is interesting because much of the movie is told through his eyes. The whole thing is a little trippy, but the scenery is beautiful and brings back fond memories of my trip to Zion National Park last June. I found it strangely inspiring, and the characters are easy to like. It was probably a little bit too easy for me to identify with, minus the getting lodged in a canyon with a rock on my arm part. And who doesn't love a happy ending with a little blood and guts?

The Kabuki theater was quite nice as well - they have assigned seating, let you choose your seats on a screen prior to the film, and there is a bar inside the movie theater. It is a little pricey, and you have to pay for parking. They only validate for three hours (and it's just $2 off anyway).

Here's the one annoying thing: The machine where you pay for parking doesn't recognize the validation, so you have to go to the ticket agent. Well, everyone and their mom has the same problem right around the same time, so there is this bottleneck of a line that forms. I ended up waiting in line for so long that I went four minutes over my hour and they charged me for an extra hour of parking - $2/hour! While the money doesn't really bother me, I find the whole concept of having to pay to wait in line to be infuriating. They haven't heard the last of me.

But all-in-all, well worth the frustration.

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@StephSF - I LOVE the Kabuki. I only see movies if I can see them at the Kabuki. On occasion they don't have a new release or an indy that I want to see and I have to go elsewhere. But if it's offered at the Kabuki - I am SO paying the extra $3 fee to have assigned seats and not have to rush to theater. It's the greatest idea invented when it comes to the movies. Now about that $4.50 for the 12oz bottle of water....that's another story. I recommend sneaking it in if you can.

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The movie that I'm kind of interested in that is just coming out is "Love and Other Drugs." I really want to like it--I like Jake Gyllanhaal and Anne Hathaway; I'm a sucker for romantic comedies in general--but something about the trailers makes me think I'm going to find it rather cloying. Maybe it is because they basically give the entire plot away, or maybe its just that the characters seem a bit 2-dimensional--I don't know, but it doesn't quite seem to work for me. Any one read the book its based on?

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Actually disregard that last question. I guess its based on some non-fiction book called "Hard Sell". I thought there was a book called "Love and Other Drugs."

Oh yeah, I like the director too, Edward Zwick of Thirtysomething and My So-Called Life fame.

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Hahaha, I don't know if it is worth paying the extra cash for tickets and parking in order to see the movie, but it is nice to have the assigned seating and to be able to drink beer.

@Nightowl, I do like those kinds of movies as well. And I thought all romantic comedies give away the entire plot in the trailer!

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@StephSF: Yeah you're right. These days it seems like they want to tell the entire plot of virtually every movie. I just hate when they give away a plot twist. Like in "Love and Other Drugs" they tell you in the trailer that she has Parkinsons. I mean, I get that they are trying to let you know what you're in for so you're not negatively surprised, but it kind of ruins the reveal knowing that going in.

My general rule is to find out as little about a movie as possible once I have decided to see it. The only time I want to see a preview is when I'm not sure about it.

I think the director of Love and Other Drugs will probably screw that movie up. I read that he also did "About Last Night" way back in the 80's (with Rob Lowe and a pre-plastic surgery Demi Moore) and that was a mess. Although it has been a long time since that and Anne Hathaway and Jake G. are much less irritating than Moore and Lowe were then. (The other thing I do before seeing a movie is try to set the bar as low as possible so that it can't disappoint me. Annoying habit, I know!)

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