Apps for New York's blackberry users

In the age of iphones and ipads, here's a list of best apps ( not all are free though) for New York's blackberry users

I would add the whatsapp app to the list for this app allows you message without incurring charges across all platforms-blackberry, iphone and android.
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Fantastic news! I don't have a blackberry, but I have just gotten an ipad for Christmas and would love to make use of it as much as possible!

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@uptowngirl Do you use the whatsapp? I've always been curious about texting apps like that, but I've had AT&T long enough to still benefit from one of the unlimited data plans they no longer give out. So, uh, I don't really need to use one, but I've always been curious as to whether they are equal in quality to regular texting functions.

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@ajadedidealist don't think you can use whatsapp on your ipad but you can use it on a Galaxy Tab I think

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@BroadwayBk I use whatsapp because so many of my friends use iphones..its so easy and just like texting. I needed to ask you does any carrier in the US have a pay as you go blackberry plan? would like to have one when I come on holiday though my t-mobile account is still active.

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@uptowngirl I've never heard of pay as you go BlackBerry service in the US...doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Orange offers such a service, I think, but that's not helping us any.

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@BroadwayBk Youre right Orange offers it in the UK, Starhub offers pay as you go blackberry in Singapore so I am hoping carriers in US do the same.

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@uptowngirl Good luck! The phone services here are so lacking...

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Well, I don't own a Blackberry, so I won't know if the apps work. Whoever has a Blackberry, if you can report whether the app works or not would be good.

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@hhusted when i am back and can get my blackberry to work will do so..

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@uptowngirl...I ended up returning my ipad, anyway. It was a nice gadget, but it was so over-the-top expensive for what it was that I felt uncomfortable using it, especially as I'm perfectly covered with my main computer, netbook, kindle, Android phone, and ipod. All of which were bought for far less money (refurbished, etc.) and I'm not so afraid of losing!

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@ajadedidealist I can relate about the expense..have been wanting one but have resisted forking out the $500+ for one sooner or later cheaper tablets are bound to appear ..though its sad that app developers focus solely on the iphone/ipad..pick up any publication all the fun apps are only for the iphone/ipad. I feel a bit left out at times but its okay all the gadgets that I have work for me.

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@ajadedidealist @uptowngirl I couldn't justify the purchase of an iPad in the end - I really felt like I would have just been buying a giant iPhone. Whenever I see someone with their iPad hooked up to a keyboard in some coffee shop I think they'd be better off with a laptop - I imagine the processing speeds on an iPad aren't that impressive.

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@Ajadedidealist: What was the main reason for returning the iPad? Was it mainly the money? Or was it also hard to use?

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@BroadwayBk The only reason I want an ipad is to get on to the app bandwagon since i am not going to be shelling out for an iphone anytime soon( I am a blackberry convert). I hate it that developers only make apps for the iphone and ignore everybody else.. even one of the apps that features some of my work-The Mandarin Oriental Hotel app is available solely as an iphone app.

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@uptowngirl That's reason enough! I have an iPhone, so I see no point in investing in a bigger one. Didn't know that about BlackBerry... would you ever consider a Google Android phone? I've heard good things.

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@BroadwayBK I use Blackberry mainly because its widely used in India where my friends and family live. Data packages for Blackberries are very reasonable there hence people use them extensively. Thus I use BB messenger a lot though WhatsApp does cut across all boundaries . I did consider an Android phone but then was gifted a Black Berry by my brother so easily switched. Also when I travel in the region rather than use roaming I can easily switch my sim card with a BlackBerry its not so easy with an iPhone.
My husband recently me gave a present - a check for our anniversary with a note that I should go and buy an iPad but I have socked it away in the bank as I am waiting to see which tablet with suit me. At the recently concluded CES -Consumer Electronics Show nearly 80 tablets were unveiled so I am waiting to see which will get my check.

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@BroadwayBK Just got notified about a blackberry app called TringMe which allows blackberry users to make free calls over VoIP like Skype. Yay!
Youre right about Android phones though they are gaining popularity in the US and now account for 40% of the market share according to the data on CNN.

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I saw on TV that some providers can't get the new iPhone. Not sure which provider it is. I've seen them. Too expensive for me.

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@uptowngirl That's really cool... Pretty soon it won't matter how many minutes your cell company is offering, as no one will be using them anyway. Android phones are more sophisticated than the iPhone, if I understand it correctly. Until the new software came out along with the iPhone 4, you couldn't even use two apps simultaneously on iPhone; it was so lame.

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So which would you guys vote as a purchasing choice for a new user in NYC? Android, iPhone, or Blackberry?

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@hhusted - partly, I didn't feel comfortable handling such an expensive luxury gadget (I have a macbook, but I use it a LOT) and felt that the ipad didn't replace any of my cheaper, more useful gadgets (ie, netbook, kindle, video ipopd, android phone) so that it just felt like a luxury. I didn't find the iAnnotate software I'd wanted to use that helpful; I couldn't use GoogleBooks previews (I get a lot of my scholarly research done through those previews!) easily, and no Flash video!

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@Uraniumfish I don't mind iPhone as a contraption, but I do mind the crappy service AT&T is hawking. They have had such a user overload that they can't even offer unlimited data plans to new customers anymore. I don't know how they expect to survive without their iPhone monopoly!

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@Uraniumfish I guess it all depends on your budget.. I think an iPhone costs $600 but I have no idea how much it costs with a 2 year contract. The Blackberry suits most of my needs though I wish it had a better/faster browser, I think Android is the way to go though I believe Verizon is also going to be offering the iPhone 4 soon so the service issues with the iPhone would then be resolved?

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I gotta say, I am a recent convert to the iPhone from the Blackberry and I'll never go back. I'm obsessed with my phone. The only thing that sucks about it is AT&T. I'm with you guys on the ipad. I don't get it if you already have a mac book.

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@JenMac Congrats.. I remember how much you wanted one!

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@Uraniumfish: You provided the following quote:

"So which would you guys vote as a purchasing choice for a new user in NYC? Android, iPhone, or Blackberry?"

My answer to that one is rather easy. I don't want any of them. I just want a simple phone that allows me to get and receive calls with no dropped calls. I also want the Internet so I can check my email. That's really all I want. Nothing else.

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Thanks uptown!

hhusted, some people (myself included) rather enjoy having a computer on their phone. I guess that's why they're selling so well.

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@JenMac: To each his own. That is what people always say. If you like all the gadgetry, go for it. I already have two computers at home. When I leave home, I don't want to face another one until I have to. I'm just a simple person who likes to live a simple life.

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@Everyone Verizon is getting the iPhone come February..and it will offer unlimited data plans as well.

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Yeah... I've been wondering how well Verizon is actually going to fare. Don't all the iPhone lovers have one by now? I guess it's cool for those who have remained locked in Verizon contracts...

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I think a lot of people are willing to break their AT&T contract because the service is so awful. I wouldn't be surprised if Verizon sees a lot of new converts.

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@JenMac: I have to totally agree with you regarding AT&T. Lately, I have been getting a ton of dropped calls, and places where I used to get calls, I don't get them that well. AT&T is really doing bad. They lost 67% of their customer base. And most of their customers are going to Verizon. So there must be something said about Verizon.

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AT&T has been worse than ever for me as well. Perhaps because everyone is staying inside and talking on the phone more than ever? Anyway they have been dropping my calls like mad, and I can't even get proper service in my own apartment!

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@BroadwayBK I think some people are waiting for the change to take place before buying an iPhone.

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I'm thinking of going with the Android rather than the iPhone, in the spirit of piracy and independence, but somehow had the impression that it's also more complicated as far as functions. Am I wrong, is it identical to iPhone?

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My friend just got a droid and he hates it. He says after three weeks he still can't figure it out. Then again, he's pretty lame so it's probably just him.

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@Uraniumfish You're not wrong, but I don't think the Android isn't something one couldn't sit down and get acquainted with. All of my computer programmer friends scoff at the iPhone and only carry Androids, in the spirit of piracy and independence....

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@BroadwayBK Yeah, it's my programmer friends who have talked me into the piracy and independence idea, but I'm not a technical geek and unlike them I really do mind having to spend endless hours just figuring out my gadgets. Sigh, what to do.

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@BroadwayBk Aha.. the husband is in IT and just expressed a wish that he wants an android rather than an iPhone. figures..

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@Uraniumfish I am sort of technically inclined, but never having held an Android for more than a few mins I really can't give advice on just how long it would take to figure one out... But it's gotta be cool having a phone that strives to keep ahead of the technology curve.

@uptowngirl If he gets one you should get back to us on just how workable it is....

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You guys! So I'm not the only one who's been having newer and worse-than-ever problems with AT&T! What is going on!

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@neversleeps, I feel like it's the AT&T - Apple catastrophe. Both have been terrible lately in their own right. Put em together: disaster.

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@JenMac True.

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