Craziest Filming Encounter You've Had?

I haven't been in the city long, and considering everythings getting outsourced to LA these days, I'm not even sure how many shows still acutally film in NYC. However, I did see the cast of Law and Order once, which was pretty cool since I'm a huge fan. For you vets out there: what's the craziest experience you've have with filming in NYC? Did the crew yell at you or did you get to meet an awesome actor, etc?
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I see stuff filming all the time, but generally don't pay attention. Earlier this week I saw the HBO show Bored to Death being filmed at the Park Slope Ale House - which was only crazy because it took me about 45 mins to find parking, as the surrounding area was mostly taken up by huge tractor trailers and whatnot.

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A month or two ago on 18th Street and Park Ave South there was filming for a new Brad Cooper film. I walked across the filming trucks and barely made it into the CVS because all of the women were blocking the entrance trying to get a peek of Mr. Cooper. Upon purchasing some snacks, I exited the store and shouted there's a window in the middle of the first isle where you can catch a glance of Brad, and they went running into the store. My colleague was brought to tears by how funny it was.

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When I was little Ben Affleck was filming a movie by my (private, all-girls') school. You can imagine the shrieks - no classes got done that day!

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@Bellacaroline; I was about to walk down the block where Law & Order was filming and was told by one of the assistants that I could not go down the block. I tried to look but didn't see anyone important other than the hired hands. So I turned and walked away.

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@alifkhan ooh I would have loved to get a glimpse of the gorgeous Mr Cooper..think he is quite dishy...

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I mentioned this in another thread, but a few months ago, I saw Ryan Gosling on a break from a shoot they were doing in my neighborhood. I about had a heart attack he's so dreamy.

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I'd love to see Law and Order filming. I've got a crush on Linus Roache.

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I sometimes see things being filmed but I never stop to figure out what they are - usually no one famous is around and I can't tell and don't bother to ask what's going on. Obviously, I need to start.

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Meh. I've seen celebrities so often in this city, I'm not all that impressed if I come across a film shooting. I never stop to check what's going on because it just seems like a big waste of time. Just actors, no biggie.

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@DBlack would that be your reaction even if you saw say Gisele Bundchen on a shoot in the city? I wonder :)

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@uptowngirl --- no matter who I saw, they'd better get the heck out of my way if I'm running late! I'm really impatient when it comes to anything stopping traffic

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@ajadedidealist I seem to be the same way and gridlocked traffic is one of my pet peeves in this city.. I dont know about you but despite my best intentions I never can keep time in this city and I am forever a few minutes late for every appointment/meeting. Perhaps its because of the fact that I almost always try to use public transport for cabs are so darned expensive in NYC.

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@ajadeidealist Amen! Gisele Bundchen better get her skinny ass outta my way--

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