The case of the Professor v/s Starbucks

Came across an unbelievable story wherein a professor who is in her 60's was kicked out of a Starbuck's on Columbus Avenue and 86th Street all because she got into a scuffle with a Barista over her order of plain Multigrain bagel. I am a foreigner and sometimes I do forget the Starbucks lingo when I am there but I have never really had a problem at any of its stores. Have any of you?
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Ha ha! Whatever you want to say about Starbucks, the customer service there is usually pretty great. That's been my experience all over the city, anyway.

And that lady may have a fair point about their "Orwellian" use of language, but it doesn't sound like she made her point very well. I doubt that Starbucks would kick anyone out unless they were being sort of horrible. Also, if this lady wasn't out for the attention, how did the NY Post jump on this so quickly? Riiiiight.

Also I usually order a small latte from Starbucks. The barista people always understand this request.

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And: this is New York City! Who goes to Starbucks for a bagel? Bad form.

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Sound like a slow news day. I too refuse to use their lame language, but I don't need to call the NY post about it.

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@NeverSleeps That's so true! actually I only ever have Tea at Starbucks I almost always prefer the coffee at Dunkin Donuts though I am waiting for the LA chain Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf to set up shop here.

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@uptowngirl Starbucks coffee is not all that agreeable by itself - their espresso isn't bad, but I prefer to have it with the addition of those high calorie syrups that would make any old bean taste good. Completely agree that Dunkin has better coffee!

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@Everyone What is it about Dunkin Donuts coffee that it's so good? I suspect them of lacing it with addictive substances.

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If only their donuts could be a bit better.

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I'm all for proper English grammar - but I get the sense this professor was just being nasty or ornery. THe baristas don't make the rules - they just follow them - and no barista has ever refused to serve me a "small," "medium," or "large."

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@Uraniumfish maybe its the beans that Dunkin uses? I feel their coffee is definitely more flavorful than Starbucks and the coffee is not that bitter too but I must admit I do like the Ice tea lemonade that Starbucks has on its menu in Hong Kong. In fact they have a lot of customized stuff like coffee jelly drinks and green tea flavored lattes and frappuccinos and their biscotti helps to curb my Veneiro's biscotti cravings somewhat.

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@uptowngirl I like the Starbucks chai. Sure it's probably served out of a can but they put some great sweet syrupy stuff in it that makes it really great.

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@uptowngirl: I love The Coffee Bean! Man, I miss that place.

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@Uraniumfish: Your guess regarding Dunkin Donuts coffee is as good as mine. I have no idea how they can get their coffee to be better. Is it they do put additives in it? Or maybe DD charges less than Starbucks?

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In England, Starbucks is the only place to get decent (read: drinkable) coffee and cappuccini - as well as delicious Chai Lattes. Call it commercialization all you want - they do serve consistently good products.

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@ajadedidealist I think Starbucks maybe one of the only places in England where you get brewed coffee for isn't instant coffee all the rage in England? Btw what happened to Starbucks instant coffee that they introduced last year I dont see it any more.

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@Uptowngirl: I remember reading somewhere that the owner of Starbucks is doing away with certain products that he claims is ruining business for him. I guess instant coffee is one of those things.

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@hhusted hmmm that may be well the case..anyway it was good but too over priced and in such an economy I guess it was a bad move and then Americans are known to abhor instant coffee.

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I wonder if the Great Recession will topple the likes of Starbucks. Think it will happen?

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@Uraniumfish No I dont think that will happen .. the Starbuck's brand seems very strong.

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@uptowngirl - I'm not sure, actually. There are definitely some "coffeehouse" coffee places in England - but they never taste the same! Especially the cappuccinos, which taste like milk foam atop super-strong black coffee; there's no mixing...

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Yeah, I don't think Starbucks is fazed at all. The lines are still always endless.

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@Uraniumfish: Well, considering the recession is over, and Starbucks is still going, I doubt if anything will slow or stop them now.

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I am pretty sure Starbucks had to close down a bunch of stores - especially in places where they had one across the street from the other. Remember?

The recession won't topple them, but it doesn't seem to be helping a whole lot. Places like McDonald's, on the other hand....

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Wait...the recession is over?

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@NeverSleeps Yes I remember this and no I dont think the recession is over , in fact things are getting worse for people are talking about a second stimulus package to prop up the economy and even a double dip

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@uptowngirl That's what I thought - no matter what the media wants us to believe, it doesn't seem like there is any economic boom about to happen anytime soon.

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I asked about Starbucks because it seemed that when the crisis first hit, you would often see these dumb "Money-Saving Tips" articles around, and they would always suggest that you should stop buying designer lattes to save money. That was apparently the number one money-saving tip, repeated all over the blogs. Just wondered what that would do to Starbucks long term.

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I drink a lot of coffee, but I am not a big designer latte consumer in the first place. Even if there wasn't a recession, I wouldn't want to down a 400 calorie beverage every morning.... I only stop in Starbucks if I want a rare syrupy treat. Maybe that's how they do a lot of their business?

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@NeverSleeps But I'm sure they have a whole contingent of customers who are the daily addict types. And since when have sugary unhealthy drinks discouraged the American consumer. We are, after all the nation that made and then popularized Coke all over the freakin' world.

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@NeverSleeps Me too I hardly ever go into a Starbucks but see enough people who do. Recession or no recession seems like they need their Starbucks fix no matter what.

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Ha! at @neversleeps. As for Starbucks -there's something about it! I don't know - normally I am all "anti-chain" - but Starbucks is my weakness. It's the calming decor or something...and prices there are no more expensive than in other coffee shops (in England, at least! Home of the $3.00 small coffee and $5.00 cappuccino)

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@Uraniumfish Seriously. I just can't take too much sugar first thing in the morning. If I stop by Starbucks for a high calorie drink, it's usually for a treat or a pick-me-up in the evening. I'm also more likely to get one if the weather is cooler - it's just not as fun otherwise. But, yeah, you're right - I don't expect we Americans to wise up anytime soon.

@ajadedidealist There's actually a pretty cool Starbucks in Park Slope - it has an awesome backyard, and the indoor layout is pretty relaxing as well. I don't think I'm all that anti-chain, though I recognize that it's a little annoying to throw up a Starbucks on every corner!

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@Everyone Starbucks in NYC is going to have competition soon in the form of the Chock Fullo'Nuts stores which are set to relaunch in the city.

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I've gotten addicted to iced coffee with a scoop of ice cream in it - a popular specialty here in Tbilisi! Does anybody get this in NYC? It's my weakness...

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@ajadedidealist I have never had that in my life but it sounds amazing... I wonder where you could even get one in NYC? Never seen it in any of the coffee shops I frequent.

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@ajadedidealist , Neversleeps The Nespresso store on Madison Avenue serves those..its actually quite a cool cafe which serves great coffees though I dont know if it has free WiFi.:)

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@uptowngirl Hah! The thought of sitting down to work at one's laptop with a coffee in a Chock Fullo'Nuts doesn't sound quite Maybe it's just me.

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@uptowngirl I think I am due for a visit...wifi or no.

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You could probably just ask the barista at any coffeehouse to put a scoop of ice cream in your iced coffee. You may get some strange looks but I promise, it's delicious!

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I don't think ice cream is a standard staple of coffeehouses....

@uptowngirl That Nespresso place looks really cool. Is it super crowded generally? Seems weird that I have never been there....

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@BroadwayBK it does get crowded on the weekends but even then we have always managed to find seating, it's a great spot to people watch and have a good coffee. Btw the store also sells all those fancy coffee machines as well.

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Nespresso looks fantastic - but also pretty expensive! Do the prices measure up to the hype?

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Isn't Nespresso instant coffee? Isn't that kind of yucky as far as coffees go?

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@ajadedidealist If I remember correctly I think the prices are quite similar to Starbucks I would say $4 -5 for a coffee.

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@Uraniumfish Nespresso is actually a line of high end coffee machines produced by Nestle -
These machines require special capsules which contain gourmet coffees and are pretty expensive. Nestle also makes instant coffees Uraniumfish which don't really make the cut in the US but are popular all over the world. In fact I just read a blurb on Daily Candy that Starbucks is still trying to make a go of its Via instant coffee line by introducing flavored coffees now though I seriously doubt that they will take off anytime soon in the US..

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@uptowngirl Ah, yes that was my confusion. During my recent coffice experiences at Starbucks, I was actually asked to try the instant coffee they had out for samples. The lady passing out the samples made the bad decision of asking me what I thought, out loud and within hearing of all the other customers. So I answered somewhat diplomatically "It doesn't taste much like coffee." although what I really wanted to say was, "It's like...brown water."

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@Uraniumfish I have a confession to make, I sometimes like instant coffee! I usually make coffee in a coffee press which is often a pain to clean. I have to make sure I don't chuck the beans in the sink for they may clog the pipes in my my ancient NYC apartment building so I usually flush them down but sometimes the sludge that coffee leaves behind sticks to the coffee press and requires a few swirls with water before it comes loose. The process can be a bit time consuming and if I am feeling especially lazy then I try and make do with a cup of instant brew but I do admit it lacks the bite that brewed coffee has.

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LOL @ uptowngirl. I'm such a coffee snob! I can't stand the standard brewed coffee and can't consider anything but espresso a real coffee. Seriously, the American version of "normal" coffee feels like a punishment. So for me the idea of drinking instant coffee is...unimaginable.

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aha @uraniumfish those days of double shot espressos .. I have to stay off full strength coffee for medical reasons so drink mostly not a big fan but make do with it when I have a craving for coffee. Nowadays I mostly drink tea but on days when its freezing, a cup of coffee is most welcome.

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@Uraniumfish Do you drink espresso solo? That feels like a punishment if you ask me. Not that I disagree about instant coffee.

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@Neversleeps Double espresso with a dollop of whole milk, no sugar. I can't quite take the espresso without cutting it with a bit of milk, but even so the taste is so much richer than standard brewed coffee. I live in Europe too long; once you're hooked on espresso there's no going back.

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@Uraniumfish I know exactly what you mean... I miss being in France and having a single espresso after just about every meal. Those Italians truly gave us the best way to brew those beans.

@uptowngirl I don't mind the occasional instant coffee. My mom turned me on to those International instant coffees from General Mills, and they're really not bad for what they are. I think we originally bought a tin to use it as an ingredient in a cake mix and were surprised to find out how tolerable the things are as a coffee beverage as well. I guess I am not a coffee snob, ha.

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I like my coffee press! I normally use it for loose tea, which is delicious but tough to constantly clean out of the little balls or strainers. I find a caftiere easier to wash...I can just dump the leaves in the loo when I'm done!

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@BroadwayBK Ooh I remember those days too.. hadn't quite developed a taste for coffee back then and was quite happy with those flavored powders.. now I just find them so incredibly weak and sickly sweet..

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@ajadedidealist Is it a French press? I never thought to use those for tea...

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Yep! A French press! I put the tea leaves in and it seeps - then when you press down the leaves stick to the bottom and the tea is clear and leaf-free! Then dump the used leaves when you're done and voila - reused!

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I just got a Keurig Coffee machine that brews a cup from the K-cup pods and I'm obsessed with it. The Tully's bold french roast is divine. And, there's no cleanup. You just throw the little k-cup away. Highly recommend.

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@ajadedidealist sounds perfect usually buy jasmine tea leaves and I think they would brew perfectly in a french press for the longer you allow them to steep the stronger the tea.

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What kind of coffee do you people buy for your at-home brewing? I want to send my mom a good bag of beans.

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@NeverSleeps Gimme Coffee!
They have a location in Nolita and one in Williamsburg. I swear by them.

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What are everyone's thoughts on Stumptown? I've been wanting to check out their new brew bar in Red Hook.

@NeverSleeps I honestly buy my coffee from Fairway most days. It's pretty not bad. I wouldn't send any to my relatives, though.

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@BroadwayBK There's a brand spankin' new one just opened on Mott Street, I'll have to have a look and get back to you.

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@NeverSleeps: My girlfriend buys Maxwell House French Roast coffee. She's the coffee drinker. I don't touch the stuff.

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@hhusted I drink only decaf coffee with my tea drinking and a slight Coke zero addiction I am harming my body in any case.

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@Uptowngirl: Well, if you know you are harming yourself, wouldn't logic come into play here and get you to stop drinking the stuff. At least you are drinking decaf coffee. This way you stay away from caffeine. I prefer to drink herbal teas, apple or cranberry juice, or straight water. Once in a great while, I drink a caffeine free root beer.

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I've never warmed to herbal/non-black teas, with the exception of chai, jasmine green, and peppermint. Odd, because I'll drink nearly any other traditional "hot" drink.

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So I went into a bakery in Chinatown today and asked for tea, and they said they're out. What?!? How can you be out of tea in Chinatown?

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@Uraniumfish that's very odd!! do you know which one you went to? I like Fay da bakery .. they have many locations in Chinatown on Mott Street etc and they brew a strong Jasmine tea which I love...

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@hhusted I have never liked herbal infusions .. I like my tea strong and dark or then green. It is said there are many benefits of drinking at least four cups of green tea a day.. so far I am up to two a day.

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@uptowngirl Yeah, I had to go around the corner to Fay Da to get tea after that. I was at the bakery on Canal Street just around the corner, Tai Pan. Their weird tea deficiency notwithstanding, I think the custard tarts are much better and fresher than Fay Da. Also, they have wild variations like green tea custard and white custard - yum.

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@Uptowngirl: I wish I could drink green tea, unfortunately it has caffeine.

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@Uraniumfish: I think for the store to be out of tea says a lot about what beverages people like the most when they go into it.

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@Uraniumfish I have never had a custard tart at Fay Da. I usually get the Red Bean bun ,its weird tasting but seems to go very well with my Jasmine tea though the Fay Da on Mott is always insanely crowded, their Centre street location is bigger and much more peaceful. I also sometimes go to Dragonland Bakery if Fay Da or Tai pan are too crowded.

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@uptowngirl I have been drinking a lot of green tea in recent months as well. I read that it's great for your skin - I just wish I could find a more flavorful cup of it. I'm assuming you have a great tea selection in Asia!

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@Neversleeps actually people here drink teas like Oolong and Pu erh tea more than the Jasmine Green that I love. My brother recently got me some grass like Green tea from Guangzhou in China and I really can't drink it as its a bit too raw for me. I drink a brand of bagged Jasmine tea called Luk Yu and its quite flavorful, you should be able to find some at the Chinese supermarkets( Kam Man Foods) in Chinatown many of them have a huge selection of teas.

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I used to get these Japanese green teas with rice in them that were quite flavorful.

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@Uraniumfish oh yes the Genmaicha or the green tea with rice also weirdly known as brown rice tea.

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@NeverSleeps; I heard that green tea is good for you, but it contains caffeine. And my body cannot tolerate it.

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Can't you get anything decaffeinated these days?

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Aren't most green teas without caffeine anyway. Tazo has a few green teas that they say specifically don't contain any caffeine.

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@Uraniumfish I am pretty sure green tea is naturally caffeinated. This ( says that caffeinated green tea has more antioxidants than decaf, so if you can handle it it's actually better for you.

@NeverSleeps Doesn't green tea tend to be mild-tasting in general? They do make green chai and jasmine teas, though, which I really prefer. It's tricky not to make plain green tea taste bitter... The only green teas that have really impressed me have been in loose leaf form - so if you haven't tried that already, you really should.

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@BroadwayBK interesting article, I too have to stay off for caffeine for a health issue but I do drink green jasmine tea in both tea bag and loose leaf form and about 2-3 cups of black tea a day and the caffeine has had no adverse effects on my problem as I do get my annual check ups and its been so far so good. I think as long as I stay away from drip coffee I should be fine.

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@Uraniumfish: Green tea has caffeine by nature. Every bottle of green tea I seen in the store, and I read the label, it says caffeine. In fact, anyplace that sells green tea, and I check the ingredients, it contains caffeine. So where can you get green tea without caffeine.

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@hhusted I did a search for you on the internet and it seems that there are no decaffeinated green teas though there are ways to lower the caffeine in green tea. Have a look at this article
Don't know how credible it is though..

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But you can get decaffeinated black tea, no? So why not green tea? How do they decaffeinate black tea?

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@Ajadedidealist: I read the black tea is good for you to, but green tea is better, if you can tolerate caffeine. Oolong tea is actually even better than any tea and is the most recommended tea of many nutritionist. Has anyone heard of Oolong tea?

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@ajadedidealist You can get decaf green tea... they sell it at the grocery store! It just doesn't come that way naturally.

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@BroadwayBK funnily enough no brands showed up in my search on the internet but I do remember seeing decaf green tea somewhere apparently they use the same method to take out caffeine in green tea as they do to make decaf coffee.

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I have decaf green tea. It's a brand called stash.

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I've seen decaf green from Tazo and Yogi, too, I'm pretty sure.

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@JenMac aah I have had Stash used to buy their green tea chai and I love Tazo green tea which is usually my beverage of choice at Starbucks.

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Starbucks may be corporate and hateable, yada yada . . but I dare someone to find a drink that tastes more like christmas than a Starbucks soy chai latte. I dream of winter just for that treat.

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@JenMac and @NeverSleeps: If you've seen or used decaf green tea, then obviously it must be around. Guess I will just have to look for it.

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