Daylight Savings!

I just shouted on the SHOUT board but I thought I'd move it over here too for open discussion. Does anyone who lives in Queensland actually want daylight savings!? My brother (from Brisbane) reckons there was a referendum or something recently that said 60% of the people questioned wanted daylight savings introduced. What's the reason NOT to do it!? Who the hell wants to wake up at 4:30am as the sun starts to rise???
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I think it has something to do with the farming industry? Maybe the farmers like the sunlight in the morning? (I'm just guessing here)


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Surely farmers are least affected by the "time" of day. They get up and milk their cows or whatever when the cows are awake, not because the clock on the wall says it's 6am. It makes doing business with Queensland painful, especially when the rest of the eastern coast of the country is in the same timezone.

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I think it's dumb. People and businesses should be able to decide their hours and change them according to the seasons. Leave the clocks alone and let different industries select their opening hours according to their own needs.

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Relax Queenslanders, Its not all that bad especially if youre A farmer or retiree , You simply work the hours that suit yourself while office & factory workers get that extra hour after work to play sport or be home with family...Bobkat.

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It's the kind of issue where someone is going to like it and someone dislike it no matter which way the decison goes...

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And yes they did have a referendum, and the majority of votes were against it, which is why it didn't get passed... It would be stupid if they did have a referendum and go totally against what the public decided.. However, I must admit we are talking about the QLD LABOR government here, absolute shambles!!

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You mean you don't wake up at 04:30 already as the sun gets up? Actually the sun gets up about 05:00 at the moment, yes it's more or less daylight by about 04:30, it really is the best time of day, cool, fresh and quite well most of the time. Having experienced Daylight savings in several other parts of the world I see nothing wrong with it, but Queenslanders seem to have this strange aversion to it, adding comments like it'll fade the curtains, or the Cows won't know when to come in for milking, like they wear watches and it's 04:00 already and it's still dark OH! Really.

The point about daylight saving I think everyone fails to mention in Queensland is that it becomes less effective the further North one goes as you also go west and it becomes less of an issues the further North and West one goes.

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Queensland needs day light savings. I lived there 34 years now living in Victoria, it''s great. But don't listen to some of the backwards dairy farmers down here, it dosn't confuse the cows.....

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Don't want the curtains to fade!

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