What council services are available to young families in Russell Island?

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Not much in the way of actual physical representation. Maybe ring Redland city council and ask them. The facilities otherwise on the island are pretty good and getting better as the population grows, which is happening pretty rapidly from where I sit. Not certain exactly what you are looking for but there are lots of families with young kids here and they seem to do fine. After three years here, I can say it is a pretty good place to live if you want quiet, great fishing, sea breezes and a pretty good community sprit. Sure, there are a few drop kicks, just like everywhere and yes there are mozzies and midges, no worse than several other Queensland coastal places I have lived., and much better than some. Be cautious though, we have real estate agents, lots of them, some good, some you would not feed, again, just like anywhere.

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Rentals in Russell Island, QLD 4184