How exactly bad is the commute from Sanctuary Lakes to CBD?

My wife and I are looking for our new home and we've kinda set our eyes in Sanctuary Lakes after attending several property viewings.

We've heard a lot of disappointing comments about the traffic situation by those working in the CBD particularly on the West Gate and Point Cook road.

I'm keen to understand how exactly bad it is. I can see on Google Maps, the average travel time from Sanctuary Lakes to CBD can take between 40 - 1hr 20 mins during peak hours. I personally find 40 mins perfectly okay, but how often does it take up to 1hr 20 mins that concerns me most.

I guess this question are for those who live in Point Cook and commutes to CBD for work everyday.

1. What are your thoughts on this?
2. Based on the scale below, how would you rate your commute to CBD?
(1) Absolutely Fine, (2) It's slightly over-rated, it's really not that bad, (3) It's got it's ups and downs, (4) It's bad, but still able to manage, (5) Can't deal with it - need to get out of here
3. Of course any other feedback and advise is greatly appreciated

We have considered the capital gains and the ammenities in the surrounding area. We personally do not find that to be a considerable issue.
The opinions expressed here are those of the individual and not those of
people following this discussion


Rentals in Sanctuary Lakes, VIC 3030