Sud Setia

Sud Setia

2 Reviews0 Questions0 Answers



"Sunny Cheltenham - Great for family living"

At 18km from the CBD and 28 minutes on the express train, it's an excellent family living - close to the CBD. There is everything to love about this suburb.
We have been living on Cameron St for the last 3 years and I am so glad we made the choice to buy in Cheltenham.

The station has just been upgraded and we are so close to:
1. Public transport: Newly upgraded Cheltenham station, bus stops, Southland station
2. Schools: Cheltenham primary, Beaumaris secondary, Mentone girls
3. Shopping: Westfield Southland, DFO, Costco
4. Amenities: Bunnings, Officeworks, gyms, Woolworth, Coles, Aldi
5. Play centres, Child care centres and Leisure centres/swimming pools
6. Beaches: 5-10 minutes drive to some of the best beaches in Melbourne
7. So many reserves and parks
8. Golf courses
9. Great cafe and restaurants on Charman and Station roads
10. Access to highways

Absolutely zero crime and nuisance in this suburb. The neighbours are super helpful and courteous.

With growing kids, there is absolutely no place else I would live!

Who lives here?

  • Professionals
  • Families with kids
The opinions expressed within this review are those of the individual and not those of

"Sunny Cheltenham - Great for family living"

At 18km from the CBD and 28 minutes on the express train, it's an excellent family living - close to the CBD. There is everything to love about this suburb.
We have been living on Cameron St for the last 3 years and I am so glad we made the choice to buy in Cheltenham.

The station has just been upgraded and we are so close to:
1. Public transport: Newly upgraded Cheltenham station, bus stops, Southland station
2. Schools: Cheltenham primary, Beaumaris secondary, Mentone girls
3. Shopping: Westfield Southland, DFO, Costco
4. Amenities: Bunnings, Officeworks, gyms, Woolworth, Coles, Aldi
5. Play centres, Child care centres and Leisure centres/swimming pools
6. Beaches: 5-10 minutes drive to some of the best beaches in Melbourne
7. So many reserves and parks
8. Golf courses
9. Great cafe and restaurants on Charman and Station roads
10. Access to highways

Absolutely zero crime and nuisance in this suburb. The neighbours are super helpful and courteous.

With growing kids, there is no place else I would live!

Who lives here?

  • Professionals
  • Families with kids
The opinions expressed within this review are those of the individual and not those of