Looking at getting a block of land in Binburra Street - what is South end of Russell Island like?

I would be looking at hanging onto the block until I retire in 5 years or so and then build a small 2BR home for one. Looking for a peaceful life and have lived in very isolated areas of Australia as a remote area nurse so am used to the lack of amenities. Any down sides?
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1 Answer

The main down side of the south end is you have quite a few of the very cheap retals around you so a fair proportion of your neighbours will be the ones disturbing the peace all the time, the rest that own their own homes are really great people though.
I guess if you can handle a partly housing commision type demographic you will be fine, but you will never get a break from them because they don't go to work and they can't afford to get off the island. Stealing your stuff and hooning around down quite little dirt roads are their passtimes. Which means dust, noise and annoyance, but if you confront any of them about it you may have you life threatened and you will be further harrased trust me they are not nice reasonable folk.
That said, if it wasn't for these lowlife types the place would be paradise...... except for the mozzies in summer, but aleast you can slap them and they are gone!

The opinions expressed here are those of the individual and not those of Homely.com.au.

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