Investing and Living

Hi there, I'm looking at investing in a property in BB Waters (Hooker Boulevard). I have a couple of questions...Do many people rent in the area? I'd like to buy now with the intention of moving into it eventually.

Also, can anyone explain to me why most of the properties for sale have been bought and sold multiple times over the past ten years. Is there a reason why people don't hang on to their property on the Gold Coast?

Many thanks for any help!
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2 Answers

Hi Jules, The average home owner in Australia stays in their home for an average of 7 years, while investors hold onto their investments for 5 years on average. Units and apartment's are used quiet often by first home buyers to get a foot into the market and upgrade gradually. When purchasing an apartment make sure you look closely at the BC disclosure statement at fees and charges and the scheme has a healthy sinking fund.
Hope this helps :) Alex - ADS Realty

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Good question. There are lots of investors in the area which has been booming. I suggest they're renovating and cashing in. This is a top area and few people would be leaving to move to a more convenient area. I've been on the Goldie for nearly 40yrs. Best area I've lived in.

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Rentals in Broadbeach Waters, QLD 4218