What is the social life like in St Helens for young adults?

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1 Answer

Hi Melissa! There's not much of a clubbing scene in St Helens and most young people prefer a night around a fire pit on the beach with a few beers. Saying that there are of course two pubs which are well patronized and The Kazbar caters for the late, late crowd Friday and Saturday nights. Plenty of young people travel into Launceston for a weekend here and there and her their fix on night clubs.
There's fun to be had, just got to make it yourself sometimes!

Happy to answer any other questions you might have so feel free to keep in touch.


Heidi Howe
Property Sales Representative
38 Quail St, St Helens
Ph 0409823524
E: [email protected]

The opinions expressed here are those of the individual and not those of Homely.com.au.

Rentals in St Helens, TAS 7216