What is it like to live in Westgrove Drive in Ellenbrook?

may i know the rating of westgrove drive in ellenbrook and how is this street. is there any homes west housing near to this street? any one help pls.....
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1 Answer

Westgrove Drive is a very busy street, particularly before and after work. Across from the oval there are some very nice homes, but they are on a paved section of road, which can be quite noisy when driven on.
I'm not sure with regards to state housing, but there is state housing in Coolamon and the quality of home seems to differ in the section between strathmore parkway and the broadway. Coolamon is a great centrally located village, with fantastic amenities, like the doctors, dentist, oval, dog park, childcare, deli, etc.


When you say that section between Strathmore Parkway & Broadway are different, what do you mean?

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