Dora Paras
Premier Agent

Hi there, I’m Dora Paras

Business Operations Manager - Ray White Bundoora
0 Reviews
Ray White Bundoora

Reviews of Dora Paras

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About Dora Paras

Dora is responsible for the smooth operation of the day-to-day running of our business. She knows all aspects of our business inside-out and makes it possible for our office and staff to function efficiently and effortlessly.

Dora is loyal, trustworthy and a long serving member of the Ray White Bundoora team, joining us in 1997 and is our "back bone".

Working closely with the company Directors to ensure the needs of our staff are met, which allows our "coal face" staff to do what they do b…

Neighbourhood questions answered by Dora Paras

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Contact Dora Paras

Get in touch with Dora Paras using the details below, or send a direct message by filling in the contact form:

Dora Paras

Dora ParasBusiness Operations Manager - Ray White Bundoora

(3) 9467 7838
Ray White Bundoora