Sue Hetherington
Premier Agent

Hi there, I’m Sue Hetherington

Property Investment Manager - Director - LJ Hooker Brighton-Le-Sands
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LJ Hooker Brighton-Le-Sands

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About Sue Hetherington

Welcome to LJ Hooker Brighton Le Sands” – Sue Hetherington

Sue Hetherington is the driving force behind this successful Property Management team. Sue’s combined platform of knowledge, experience and skills within the real estate industry has ensured her valued clients deal with the most professional and longest operating Real Estate Agency in Brighton Le Sands which she founded and still manages with her husband Frank.

Sue understands all aspects of real estate, having been a tenant, home owner and investor herself. Sue chooses to specialise in both …

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Contact Sue Hetherington

Get in touch with Sue Hetherington using the details below, or send a direct message by filling in the contact form:

Sue Hetherington

Sue HetheringtonProperty Investment Manager - Director - LJ Hooker Brighton-Le-Sands

02 9556 3177
LJ Hooker Brighton-Le-Sands