I am planning to buy off the plan unit in Asquith.

Need feedback and suggestions for this suburb please .
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1 Answer

@RahulDogra I found some comments for specific streets in Asquith. Have you seen them?
This suburb is good for:
- Clean & Green
- Neighbourly Spirit
- Parks & Recreation
- Resale or Rental Value
- Safe & Sound
It is not good for nightlife. Do you have a family? This suburb is well suited to families.


@KaTra thanks for info. I will be shifting with my wife (mom & mother in law visiting us on and off). Actually this area suites me very well because it has Coles and train station near by. Just wondering how secure it is... I hope it is secure to travel from station to home at nights

MadeleineSmith real estate agent

I grew up in this area & it was always very family oriented, however believe the demographic is slowly changing with the high-rises being built... The Coles is good as it had a refurb a few years back & the station though small does have very frequent trains.

The opinions expressed here are those of the individual and not those of Homely.com.au.

Rentals in Asquith, NSW 2077