What is the approximate pricing for a 3 bedroom house in Hillbank?

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1 Answer


Currently sale prices for a 3 bedroom home in Hillbank are very strong and rising. Due to Hillbank being a large and diverse suburb of older homes (1970's/80's) to newer, more modern homes (1990's/2000's), prices do vary, greatly.

Without knowing the exact details of your home(age/condition/allotment size/dwelling size), a broad range would be from high $200's to mid $300's and possible high $300's.

Please if you would like a free home appraisal, I am free to pop over any time during the week.

Thank you,
Dominic Cirillo

The opinions expressed here are those of the individual and not those of Homely.com.au.

Rentals in Hillbank, SA 5112