Is it true that the Mahogany Creek Inn is haunted?

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I absolutely think there’s some sort of entity floating around as when I was younger my nanna used to clean there and experienced quite a few little things. Keep in mind this woman is a huge skeptic and always seems to have a logical explanation for everything. Everything but this. she would come home and tell us a new story every night, the first one was just how she saw someone in the mirror, running down the hall when she was there alone at night. Another time she got there and the record player was still on so she turned it off and the second she turned around it turned back on. She also heard a little girl call her name from the end of the hall once. But one of the scariest things I remember being told wasn’t her story, it was from a different lady who worked there, she brought her young daughter to work and told her to go play outside so she did, a few minutes later she came running back inside and said “mum I don’t want to play outside the little girl keeps pulling my hair.” There was no one else there.

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