What is the peak hour commute from Surrey Hills to South Melbourne like?

Before deciding to locate to Surrey Hills, I'm trying to get an idea of commute time (by car) to South Melbourne (City Rd) from Surrey Hills during peak hour.
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2 Answers

I agree at least 45-60mins. If more than 1 in car and depending where in Surrey Hills, other option may be Eastern Freeway transit lane then down Punt Rd / Hoddle St, however you would need to work your way through Eastern suburbs and Hoddle St can also crawl despite being mostly 4 lanes wide. Then right into Swan St past the arenas, over Yarra and along City Rd.

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You would be looking at about 45 minutes to an hour. You could get onto the Monash Freeway/Citylink - then come through Kings Way. It's bumper to bumper along Kings Way in the morning. Then again, it seems like 45 minutes is the minimum to get to the city these days.

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Rentals in Surrey Hills, VIC 3127