Is the area around 24th and mission a relatively safe area for 3 women tourists?

This would be a lodging near the savanah jazz club.
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2 Answers

Shroudwoman gives good advice. Mission is usually considered one of the more dangerous neighborhoods in SF, but so long as you don't go out in the middle of the night and pay attention to your surroundings you should be okay. It is all about being aware of your surroundings. That said, just remember to use common sense and that you are in a city with a crime rate that is twice the national average.

Good luck!


Thank you for your kind words. I am 64, an former leadsinger in a local infamous punk rock band and have lived in the Mission off & on for 40 years . I have only once had any trouble in the Mission , sitting outside at La Taqueria during the afternoon and was surrounded by a gang and their leader on PCP who sat down and started hassling me out of his damn mind. Before I could do anything the Taqueria guys came outside and one escorted me inside while the others got rid of the guys. THAT'S the kind of neighborhood this used to be. I have walked around in alot of wild drag and other get-ups - drunk and sober late at night and never had trouble but I firt in. These technobots kids from back east don't fit in . That's the problem. The neighborhood doesn't like them.

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The MISSION is the fastest changing neighborhood in SF. It is a Latin neighborhood where Spanish is the main language and most of the locals come from Mexico, Guatamala, Nicaragua, El Salvador, etc. There are 2 rival gangs that live between 17th /Cesar Chavez/Bryant/Mission. This neighborhood has become the bedroom community to the TECH industry and now a group of extremely pampered and well paid 20 something "foodies" that have descended and are slowly taking over. These people tend to not know where they are or have much respect for what was there before them. They tend to text constantly, not pay attention, drink and get mugged. It is a very vibrant neighborhood with lots of energy and stuff to do.
RULE # 2: Hide your iPhone in public and don't walk around in skinny jeans or a mini skirt alone at 2:40am!
Wander around with friends, stick together and practice being invisible.
It's a great neighborhood in a great town. Have FUN!

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Rentals in Mission District, California null